
recovery 이론 및 dump파일 내용

성장하는yw 2014. 11. 1. 01:58

dump file이 저장될 장소를 확인하는 명령어

SYS>show parameter user_dump_dest;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

user_dump_dest                       string      /app/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace

위 trace 경로에는 많은 파일이 있어서 생성되어도 찾기가 어려움

그래서 구분하기 쉽게 identifier을 추가한 후 dump를 수행함

SYS>alter session set tracefile_identifier='AAA';

Session altered.

SYS>oradebug setmypid;

Statement processed.

SYS>oradebug dump controlf 3;

Statement processed.


[oracle@localhost ~]$ cd /app/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/

[oracle@localhost trace]$ ls -lSh *AAA*

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 44K Nov  1 00:33 testdb_ora_4412_AAA.trc

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 169 Nov  1 00:33 testdb_ora_4412_AAA.trm

컨트롤 파일 dump가 완성됨

968줄이나 됨.

복구와 관련된 내용만 살펴보자.

[oracle@localhost trace]$ vi testdb_ora_4412_AAA.trc

Trace file /app/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/testdb_ora_4412_AAA.trc

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning option

ORACLE_HOME = /app/oracle/product/11g

System name:    Linux

Node name:      localhost.localdomain

Release:        2.6.18-238.el5

Version:        #1 SMP Tue Jan 4 15:24:05 EST 2011

Machine:        i686

VM name:        VMWare Version: 6

Instance name: testdb

Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

Oracle process number: 19

Unix process pid: 4412, image: oracle@localhost.localdomain (TNS V1-V3)

... 중간 생략 ...

*** 2014-11-01 00:22:07.177

*** SESSION ID:(1.5) 2014-11-01 00:22:07.177

*** CLIENT ID:() 2014-11-01 00:22:07.177

*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2014-11-01 00:22:07.177

*** MODULE NAME:(sqlplus@localhost.localdomain (TNS V1-V3)) 2014-11-01 00:22:07.177

*** ACTION NAME:() 2014-11-01 00:22:07.177




 (size = 316, compat size = 316, section max = 1, section in-use = 1,

  last-recid= 0, old-recno = 0, last-recno = 0)

 (extent = 1, blkno = 1, numrecs = 1)

 09/27/2014 13:35:14

 DB Name "TESTDB"                     DATABASE NAME 임

 Database flags = 0x00404001 0x00001200

 Controlfile Creation Timestamp  09/27/2014 13:35:15

 Incmplt recovery scn: 0x0000.00000000

 Resetlogs scn: 0x0000.000bc19f Resetlogs Timestamp  09/27/2014 13:35:17

 Prior resetlogs scn: 0x0000.00000001 Prior resetlogs Timestamp  09/05/2010 15:39:48

 Redo Version: compatible=0xb200000

 #Data files = 5, #Online files = 5

 Database checkpoint: Thread=1 scn: 0x0000.0014161e   DATABASE 전체의 Chekcpoint SCN

 Threads: #Enabled=1, #Open=1, Head=1, Tail=1

 enabled  threads:  01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000


... 중간 생략 ...

LOG FILE RECORDS 복구에 필요한 Redo Log File 관련 내용
 (size = 72, compat size = 72, section max = 16, section in-use = 3,
  last-recid= 3, old-recno = 0, last-recno = 0)
 (extent = 1, blkno = 10, numrecs = 16)
  name #3: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/redo01.log     1번 그룹의 파일 경로
 Thread 1 redo log links: forward: 2 backward: 0
 siz: 0x19000 seq: 0x00000016 hws: 0xd bsz: 512 nab: 0x18247 flg: 0x1 dup: 1
 Archive links: fwrd: 0 back: 0 Prev scn: 0x0000.00132247
 Low scn: 0x0000.00137883 10/26/2014 16:59:37
 Next scn: 0x0000.00139a51 10/26/2014 21:04:30
  name #2: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/redo02.log        2번 그룹의 파일 경로
 Thread 1 redo log links: forward: 3 backward: 1
 siz: 0x19000 seq: 0x00000017 hws: 0xd bsz: 512 nab: 0x108a8 flg: 0x1 dup: 1
 Archive links: fwrd: 0 back: 0 Prev scn: 0x0000.00137883
 Low scn: 0x0000.00139a51 10/26/2014 21:04:30
 Next scn: 0x0000.0014161d 10/31/2014 23:27:36
  name #1: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/redo03.log        3번 그룹의 파일 경로
 Thread 1 redo log links: forward: 0 backward: 2
 siz: 0x19000 seq: 0x00000018 hws: 0x2 bsz: 512 nab: 0xffffffff flg: 0x8 dup: 1
 Archive links: fwrd: 0 back: 0 Prev scn: 0x0000.00139a51
 Low scn: 0x0000.0014161d 10/31/2014 23:27:36
 Next scn: 0xffff.ffffffff 01/01/1988 00:00:00

DATA FILE RECORDS        Data file 관련 내용
 (size = 520, compat size = 520, section max = 100, section in-use = 5,
  last-recid= 38, old-recno = 0, last-recno = 0)
 (extent = 1, blkno = 11, numrecs = 100)
  name #7: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/system01.dbf
creation size=0 block size=8192 status=0xe head=7 tail=7 dup=1
 tablespace 0, index=1 krfil=1 prev_file=0
 unrecoverable scn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00
 Checkpoint cnt:139 scn: 0x0000.0014161e 10/31/2014 23:27:36
 Stop scn: 0xffff.ffffffff 10/27/2014 03:12:19
 Creation Checkpointed at scn:  0x0000.00000007 09/05/2010 15:39:53
 thread:0 rba:(0x0.0.0)

데이터 파일안에는 두가지 scn이 있음

ckeckpoint cnt : 현재 데이터 파일에 저장 되어 있는 scn 번호
stop scn : 추가로 작업이 진행될 때 추가되는 scn을 의미

현재까지 저장완료된 scn은 몇 번인지 알 수 있지만,
신규로 추가되는 scn은 현재 작업 중이기 때문에 몇 번까지 들어올지 모름

-> 오라클 DB가 open 상태이면, stop scn을 임시로 무한대(0xffff.fffffff)로 설정해둠
    DB 정상종료가되거나 OFFLINE  되는 경우에 
    checkpoint 를 발생시켜 checkpoint scn / stop scn을 동일하게 만들고 해당 데이터 파일을 닫음

만약에 운영 중 DB가 장애가 생겨서 shutdown abort 된 상황
- checkpoint scn / stop scn의 값이 동기화 되지 않은 상황에서 종료

... 중간 생략 ...

 Hot Backup end marker scn: 0x0000.00000000

 aux_file is NOT DEFINED

 Plugged readony: NO

 Plugin scnscn: 0x0000.00000000

 Plugin resetlogs scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Foreign creation scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Foreign checkpoint scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Online move state: 0


  name #6: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/sysaux01.dbf

creation size=0 block size=8192 status=0xe head=6 tail=6 dup=1

 tablespace 1, index=2 krfil=2 prev_file=0

 unrecoverable scn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Checkpoint cnt:139 scn: 0x0000.0014161e 10/31/2014 23:27:36

 Stop scn: 0xffff.ffffffff 10/27/2014 03:12:19

 Creation Checkpointed at scn:  0x0000.00000883 09/05/2010 15:39:57

 thread:0 rba:(0x0.0.0)

 enabled  threads:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

... 중간 생략 ...

 Hot Backup end marker scn: 0x0000.00000000

 aux_file is NOT DEFINED

 Plugged readony: NO

 Plugin scnscn: 0x0000.00000000

 Plugin resetlogs scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Foreign creation scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Foreign checkpoint scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Online move state: 0


  name #5: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/undotbs01.dbf

creation size=0 block size=8192 status=0xe head=5 tail=5 dup=1

 tablespace 2, index=3 krfil=3 prev_file=0

 unrecoverable scn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Checkpoint cnt:67 scn: 0x0000.0014161e 10/31/2014 23:27:36

 Stop scn: 0xffff.ffffffff 10/27/2014 03:12:19

 Creation Checkpointed at scn:  0x0000.000bb6b4 09/05/2010 16:17:54

 thread:0 rba:(0x0.0.0)

 enabled  threads:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

... 중간 생략 ...

 Hot Backup end marker scn: 0x0000.00000000
 aux_file is NOT DEFINED
 Plugged readony: NO
 Plugin scnscn: 0x0000.00000000
 Plugin resetlogs scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00
 Foreign creation scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00
 Foreign checkpoint scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00
 Online move state: 0
  name #4: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/users01.dbf
creation size=0 block size=8192 status=0xe head=4 tail=4 dup=1
 tablespace 4, index=4 krfil=4 prev_file=0
 unrecoverable scn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00
 Checkpoint cnt:138 scn: 0x0000.0014161e 10/31/2014 23:27:36
 Stop scn: 0xffff.ffffffff 10/27/2014 03:12:19
 Creation Checkpointed at scn:  0x0000.000049c6 09/05/2010 15:40:06
 thread:0 rba:(0x0.0.0)
 enabled  threads:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

... 중간 생략 ...

 Hot Backup end marker scn: 0x0000.00000000

 aux_file is NOT DEFINED

 Plugged readony: NO

 Plugin scnscn: 0x0000.00000000

 Plugin resetlogs scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Foreign creation scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Foreign checkpoint scn/timescn: 0x0000.00000000 01/01/1988 00:00:00

 Online move state: 0


  name #9: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/example01.dbf

creation size=12800 block size=8192 status=0xe head=9 tail=9 dup=1

 tablespace 6, index=6 krfil=5 prev_file=0

 unrecoverable scn: 0x0000.00141a59 10/31/2014 23:27:50

 Checkpoint cnt:63 scn: 0x0000.0014161e 10/31/2014 23:27:36

 Stop scn: 0xffff.ffffffff 10/27/2014 03:12:19

 Creation Checkpointed at scn:  0x0000.000c2efc 09/27/2014 13:37:19

 thread:1 rba:(0x1.b3fa.10)

 enabled  threads:  01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

... 중간 생략 ...

 (size = 56, compat size = 56, section max = 100, section in-use = 1,
  last-recid= 10, old-recno = 0, last-recno = 0)
 (extent = 1, blkno = 90, numrecs = 100)
TEMP FILE #1: External File #201
  name #8: /app/oracle/oradata/testdb/temp01.dbf
creation size=2560 block size=8192 status=0x1e head=8 tail=8 dup=1
 tablespace 3, index=5 krfil=1 prev_file=0
 unrecoverable scn: 0x0000.000bc288 09/27/2014 13:35:35